December 18, 2014

Belanja di BukaBuku.COM

Sebagai pecinta buku (meskipun masih berstatus pembaca yang payah), belanja buku menjadi kegiatan favorit saya setiap awal bulan. Alasan bokek seringkali karena membeli buku diluar rencana budget bulanan. Selama tinggal di Surabaya selama kuliah, tidak ada rintangan selain dana yang menipis. Namun, pulang kampung ke Sumatera Barat, ke kota kecil, maka tantangannya bertambah satu: tidak ada toko buku sekeren Gramedia dan Toko Gunung Agung. 

Alhamdulillah, karena kondisi ini pula saya mencari tahu dan berkenalan dengan online shopping. Toko buku online favorit saya adalah BukaBuku.COM, lalu menyusul Mizan. Saya sudah lama menjadi pelanggan setia BukaBuku. Selama ini Alhamdulillah transaksi lancar jaya, hingga ketika akhir tahun 2014 lalu ada diskon besar-besaran, saya membeli 17 item sekaligus dalam satu orderan. Maka masalah pun muncul.

November 16, 2014

The Highlights of My Yesterday

Yesterday wasn't like just any other day. 
Sure, I woke up.
Cooked breakfast and lunch. 
Went to work.
Went home.
But not just that.

I felt nervous the whole day. Not because I was taking an exam. What? No... I didn't meet anybody famous. The reasons, the first one, is... Yesterday was my proposal day. The man I will soon marry came to my house with his family, asking for my hand. It was a traditional event. He has visited my house and met my parents early in September, and yesterday's event was the formal occassion. I wasn't there. Even if I was there, I'd only sit in my room and wait until everybody's gone :-p

November 09, 2014

Sunday Senses

Seeing: raining pouring down making the ground wet and creating its signature smell. I am still wishing one day somebody would make perfume out of this. Earth scent is the best smell ever. 

Drinking: a small glass of plain yogurt. Whenever in doubt, I try to shift my 'escape option' to healthy food/activity. I weigh almost 80 kg back when I was in college, thanks to my escape choice of bad junky food I always picked whenever I was in doubt, or bored, or hungry, or basically in any state of emotion. After graduation, I realized it was a death wish. Moving to Padang Panjang, alhamdulillah, has changed me a lot. I started (wanting to) eat clean and do exercise regularly. My interest in natural activities also finally found its root. Now I weigh 63 kg, and I hit the gym once in a while for some muscle. Everything is for my health, because I simply want to live longer with the people I love. 

Feeling: happy. I haven't been able to stop smiling for at least a month now. I feel so silly. Well, somebody is clearly responsible for this. :-p The thing about love... No matter how silly you feel, or how stupid even, you know and are fully aware you enjoy it. It's magical. It always is. I'm so looking forward to build a funny little life with a man who feels the same. 

Missing: home. I am longing for mom's silly jokes. My granny and grandpa arguing with each other. Neighbor's chicken, they're never taught how to differentiate toilet and other people's porch (or even house), two cool neighbor grannies who often visit my house and have a meal with me, my childhood friends, and everything. Mom is currently sick... Bell's palsy. It's been two weeks. Alhamdulillah she gets better, but hasn't fully recovered. I was told it could take a month or two. I feel helpless that I cannot take care of her in this condition. Calling her everyday I hope, insyallah, would help. 

Loving: everything. Bad and good things that are currently happening in my life. There are times when I wish my life would be different, but it usually occurred two or three seconds. In the end, I always, always feel super blessed with how my life has turned out up to this second, and millions of future seconds.  

November 05, 2014

3D 4N at Mercure Nusa Dua Hotel

I had the privilege to spend 3 days and 4 nights staying at four-star Mercure Nusa Dua Hotel for UNAOC event at Bali. It is located on Jl. Nusa Dua Selatan, Lot SW 03, Kuta Selatan, 80363 Nusa Dua, Indonesia. 

How to get there? 
Because I went there for an official event, I was picked up by the hotel bus. But based on my experience travelling in Bali, the most convenient transportation is taxi, or car/bike rent. Other options are highly not recommended. 

October 20, 2014

Friday Senses

A little peek at our Friday. 

Waking up feeling lazy, realizing it is Friday (my day off).
I suddenly felt a huge need for a morning walk. 
The last time I did it was almost a month ago. 
It’s currently random rainy season here but this morning it didn't rain. 
Ding ding ding!! 

October 05, 2014


Flags in front of Nusa Dua conference hall
The United Nation Alliance of Civilization – Youth Global Forum and Event was the reason I gladly ecstatically left my work for a week at the end of last August. I applied for the forum in the last June, trying not to put a high hope because I knew there would be thousands of other applicants. But against all odds, I was chosen to be one of the 100 youth out of 3.000-ish applicants from all around the world, to attend the UNAOC Global Forum 2014 in Nusa Dua, Bali. The night I found the email in my inbox, I couldn’t sleep. My eyes were open-wide thinking… Everything! Thoughts like: Who are those 99 other successful applicants? What are we going to do there? What am I specifically going to do there? What will I be wearing for each day each occasion? Who will be my roommate(s)? Do they have a list? Who’s also coming from West Sumatera? Indonesia? Will I be presenting anything? Oh God… Please no. But if yes, perhaps I’ll just sing and dance, and many many more. I was excited, ecstatic, surprised, and nervous at the same time. 

September 22, 2014

Foreign Language Acquisition for Self Development (Education and Career)

In my experience of being a moderator, I highlighted several interesting points which I think deserve to be shared. The presenter, Jennifer, explained how the education changes in the 21st century with the emergence of technology. 

Obviously, technology and internet have been driving tremendous social changes since their emergence. They change how people interact, communicate, how they live their lives. They even greatly change human’s way of arranging life priorities. Education is a huge part of social life, and technology and internet have done some big modifications in education-related activities. Classroom space is widened by technology. Autonomous learning can be done by anyone, anywhere and anytime. There are so many sources (paid and free, safe and risky) to learn from just at our fingertips. Teachers’ tasks are not limited in delivering lessons in classes. In fact, their tasks are getting more complicated and varied. 

Based on my personal experience, 21st century teachers’ hardest challenge is to educate their students in a way where the students could help themselves facing 21st century problems. In my case, filtering the mass information the world offers. 

September 21, 2014

My First Moderating Experience

The UNAOC reports and diary are still scripted and not ready yet to be published on here, thanks to my lack of management skill to tackle piled up paperwork and being a single sister raising two loud young brothers (Wait… Don’t look at me like that! I love them!). But! The UNAOC was the reason I said yes to the following opportunity: moderating a bilingual talk show. 

Being an awkward social being as I am, I’ve always hated talking in front of people, let alone moderating a formal event. It never went through my mind. Nope. Nada. But the effect of the global forum filled through my blood and brain. Since coming back from Bali, and confirming a lot of new friend requests from all around the world, then seeing updates of my new friends’ influential activities, I’ve oftentimes found myself thinking,
“Okay. So what am I doing here?”
“Oh, I went shopping with this girl! Wait, she’s a famous MTV presenter and youth activist?!”
“This man is… Whaaat??”
“My roommate was whooo??”
“Why couldn’t they put a big board of their achievements when we were in Bali so I could ask for their signatures?!”
(Well, I was joking on the last one. A little bit. Okay, I was honest.)

The point is… I constantly asked myself and felt insecure about my contribution to society. Though, I am working in a school which is already a great place to make changes, but the opportunity and idea sometimes worked differently in your head that makes you keep questioning, “Am I really contributing positively for a greater cause?”

August 19, 2014

Eid Report

As I said in my previous post, I couldn’t wait for this year’s Eid… Well, Eid is indeed the best days in the whole year!! Let me count my blessings:

1. My big family gathers, stayed in my house. Some slept in bedroom, many slept in the living room. My house practically became the loudest house in that little town. 
2. We went to the river every day. We barbecued. My skin got darker. I got uglier because of the sunburn. Nevertheless, I was happy every single day. 
3. The whole villagers gathered for Ikan Larangan. It wasn’t as exciting as the last time (cause some villagers did not come) but for me, it never lost its fun. 
4. There was also an additional occasion where all the single males and females ate together for the last Ramadhan breakfast. It turned out inspire me to do something for my village.
5. Millions of little blessings I have each day. 

July 22, 2014

My Kind of Thanksgiving

Google Image

Westerns have Thanksgiving, Valentine, and Christmas at different days. We Easterns have all of those in one single occasion: Idul Fitri, and it's just around the corner!! I couldn't be more excited than I am right now. It is practically the only occasion I can and have to go back home. You bet it right if you conclude the last time I went home was in last year's Idul Fitri. Every 'perantau' goes home to celebrate Idul Fitri every year. Perantau is a Minang term referring to someone who goes out of the comfort of their hometown to further place to study or make a living. I am also a Perantau, always have been since I was not even 10 years old. 

To me, Idul Fitri is way bigger compared to those three occasions I mentioned (though I don't celebrate any of them at all). This is the day we truly apologize for what we did, the day we forgive everyone despite of what they've done. This is the day we love each other again, at the same time love ourselves enough to forgive and start new. This is the day we celebrate all the good things in life, thank Allah and everything He has been giving us unconditionally through our loved people. There could be no better day than Idul Fitri. 

As for you who wonder what we Muslims do during the day, I'm here pleased to explain.

June 18, 2014

Spontaneous Exploring (while you're sick)

To go outside when you're feeling sick is probably not the best option. Your doctor would not let you, and if you live with your parents, they'd get freaked out and lock all the doors and windows. But what if you're the kind of person who take going outside/exploring as one of your medication choices? I am that kind of person. 

May 10, 2014

Udara Segar dan Kuda Makan Sampah

Hari Senin kemarin dimulai dengan kegiatan lari pagi bersama adik-adik. Tujuan favorit kita adalah Lapangan Khatib Sulaiman, Bancah Laweh (atau sering disebut masyarakat setempat sebagai Lapangan Kuda). Selain pemandangan perbukitan yang bagus, lapangan adalah tempat favorit saya jogging karena bisa mengandalkannya sebagai ukuran kekuatan fisik saya. Misalnya, hari ini saya hanya bisa mengelilingi lapangan dua kali, minggu depan alhamdulillah bisa tiga kali, dst. Sunrise di sana juga breathtaking. 

May 04, 2014

Restoran Aie Angek Cottage (Rumah Puisi)

Untuk area sekitar Padang Panjang, saya tidak banyak tahu tentang kuliner upper class. Favorit saya di kota kecil ini hanya kaki lima, restoran biasa dan warung-warung kecil di pasar malam. Lain kali saya akan menulis tentang kuliner jalanan Padang Panjang, deh. Tapi untuk entry ini, kebetulan saya baru berkunjung ke Rumah Puisi dan sempat menyicip makanan di Restoran Aie Angek (Air Hangat). 

Pemandangan dari lesehan

Kelas: Ruang Tidur Paling Nyaman

Fenomena murid tidur di kelas bukanlah hal baru bagi siapapun. Termasuk saya, yang dulu selalu memilih kursi paling belakang agar bisa tidur nyenyak. Tidak heran jika teman-teman SMA dulu menjuluki kelas sebagai tempat tidur paling nyaman. Salah satu alasan kenapa seseorang bisa tidur nyaman adalah: lelah dan bosan. Hal ini jadi tanda tanya besar bagi kita semua. Haruskan kelas, yang sejatinya adalah ruangan tempat menuntut ilmu bekal hidup, yang mendapat julukan ini?

Global Village, Sebuah Komunitas Belajar

Mungkin masih banyak yang belum tau tentang Global Village atau saya yang terlalu jarang menonton/mendengar berita. Anyway, kemarins aya dan dua teman berkunjung ke sana. 

Global Village. Mendengar namanya mungkin kita langsung teringat Pare di Jawa Timur. Tapi yang ini beda. Namanya saja yang village, tapi GV (singkatannya) adalah sebuah lembaga berisi kegiatan-kegiatan asyik dan menggunakan bahasa Inggris sebagai medium komunikasinya. GV beroperasi mulai Sabtu sore hingga Minggu pagi. Kemarin sih mereka mengadakan bakar jagung dan Minggu paginya hiking ke perbukitan di kaki gunung Merapi. Sayang saya tidak bisa join sampai malam karena harus balik ke Padang Panjang. 

May 02, 2014

2-Week Escape: Jogja

Kota Jogja adalah kota kedua bagi saya setelah Surabaya. Saya banyak menghabiskan 1 tahun terakhir kuliah saya di kota ini. Ke Surabaya hanya untuk bimbingan skripsi, lalu balik lagi ke Jogja. Bahkan saya lebih hafal dengan jalan-jalan di Jogja daripada Surabaya, hehe... Ya tentulah, Surabaya terlalu luas dan kelewat panas untuk dijelajahi. Dibanding Surabaya, saya lebih menyukai Jogja karena tidak terlalu panas dan kemudahan transportasi.  Saya memang lebih cenderung nyaman tinggal di kota kecil.

May 01, 2014

One Confession

I don't want to grow old not knowing where I stand and where I go

I don't want to spend my life after 25 not knowing where I will go in my life. I'm not talking about places. I'm talking about my whole life: faith, family, career, and everything that surrounds them. 

And I know it's not an actual confession, because come on, everyone wants the same, right? So, this last blog challenge is more about one self-reminder. Sometimes I get so tied up in the feeling of 'I'm still young' at the wrong place, that I forget everything I do has its own consequence that I might not be ready yet to bear. 

Truth to be told, I get the feeling people will lose their way several times in their life. You'll lose your way, and find it again, and repeat until you're old and left with regrets about the things you should have done in your life.

But I think the most important feeling everyone wish to have is to feel like they completely belong. In somewhere and with someone. 

April 30, 2014

Two Emotions Describing My Life Right Now


It actually has been a while since my first big fight with my parents. Started when I decided to drop out of college because I felt really out of place. Either it was because I chose the wrong major, or just of the ineffective learning environment. Either way, I chose to quit simply because it was the wrong time. I was overwhelmed with new responsibilities at work and of my two youngest brothers.

April 29, 2014

2-Week Escape: Surabaya

Sepulang dari Bali, saya kembali mengurus ijazah dan surat-surat ke kampus. Baru 2 tahun ditinggal, sudah lumayan banyak perbaikan infrastruktur di Kampus B Unair. The world is surely moving so fast... Especially the big cities.

Saya nggak sempat mengabadikan apa yang saya lihat. Setau saya, yang berubah itu Mesjid An-Nur dan ada satu bangunan lantai 4 atau 5 di samping Auditorium. Entah untuk apa.

Penginapan Asyik di Gianyar

Yang membuat liburan saya berkesan di Bali adalah Mbak Maria di Villa BPW Euroservices Holiday. Saya dan teman-teman datang ke villa cukup larut, tapi sambutan beliau yang begitu hangat cukup membuat lelah hilang setelah motoran seharian Denpasar - Tanah Lot - Gianyar

2-Week Escape: Bali (Day 2)

Kelelahan hari pertama baru berangsung hilang jam 10 pagi. Niat kemarin malam sih kita check out jam 8 dan langsung caw... Eh, ternyata... -_- Rencana hari kedua ini kita mengunjungi Tanah Lot, Ubud trus ke Gianyar, kembali lagi ke Denpasar. Namanya juga rencanah yah, kita cuma bersaha menjalani... :-p

Rencana pertama sukses besar. Kita menyewa motor lagi untuk 2 hari, takut-takut nanti sampai Gianyar malah teler dan ga bisa balik. Dari Denpasar ke Tanah Lot menghabiskan waktu 2 jam naik motor, setelah sedikit nyasar dan bertanya-tanya sama Bli-Bli di jalan. Lagi lagi, waktu yang tidak tepat mengunjungi pantai. Panas terik bikin kepala nyut-nyut... Tapi terpaksi dibawa fun, secara udah di Bali gitu loh... Hahaa... Norak.

The amazing Tanah Lot

2-Week Escape: Bali (Day 1)

Dari Jakarta, kita memang menuju Surabaya. Tapi karena nanti setelah dari Bali kita ke Surabaya lagi, ntar aja deh ceritanya :)

Sesampai di Surabaya, saya hanya ke kampus (meminta dokumen-dokumen penting dan disuruh kembali 1 minggu lagi) lalu tanpa pikir panjang langsung memesan travel untuk ke Bali. Berangkat sore jam 5, di jemput di Keputih. Sopirnya sempat bikin heboh karena jam 4 sudah menelepon dan diminta siap-siap di depan gang. -_-

Three Turn Ons

Have a good sense of humor and easy to giggle. 

There's nothing more heartbreaking than two people spending time feeling bored with each other. One of them should know how to start the talk, and the other one knows how to appreciate. And vice versa. 

April 28, 2014

Four Turn Offs

Smoking. Though I don't mind anyone smoking around me, I prefer non-smokers to be my life partner. It's honestly one of those things I could never figure out why so many people are doing. 

Self hygiene. Who doesn't love to be around a guy who is clean and smells good, right? You could have long hair and untrimmed beard but at least don't smell bad and expect a kiss. Lol

Top Five People Who Mean A Lot

My family, of course. No matter how annoying my brothers sometimes get, and how confusing my parents are, there's no one on this earth I believe will love me unconditionally except these people. 

April 26, 2014

Six Things I Wish I Had Never Done

The last chance I met my grandmother before she passed away, I was busy going out with my cousins. Many times she called me to her room just to talk to her, but I spent only few minutes and went back to my cousin's room to talk nonsense. If I could turn back the time, this is the moment I wish I could rewind. I still dream about her since she passed away.

April 25, 2014

Seven Things That Cross My Mind A Lot

What will happen in the next 5 years? Where will I be at this right time right moment? Oh, I hope I'll be sitting in a coffeeshop in Paris... :-p

I still believe Hermione should be with Harry instead of Ron. Why are they not together? Why?

Eight Ways to Win My Heart

This one is pretty general, not specifically in a romantic way.

Set me free. 

If there is one condition that could break me apart and make me want to stay away from people, it must be being a control freak. I hate trying to control other people’s lives, and I really appreciate people who could hang out with me without trying to navigate my decisions. 

April 23, 2014

Nine Things About Myself

I'm a Muslimah. I dress according to the Qur'an and have been comfortably dressing this way since I was small. I feel comfortable in it before I know the law.

I'm the only daughter and the eldest child in my family. I'm also very thankful for this because I don't really have any reason to spoil myself. I was born the first, means I hold the biggest responsibility. This way, I don't want to waste my life doing things that do not contribute much to my improvement. 

April 18, 2014

2-Week Escape: Jakarta

Perjalanan - sembari menunggu ijazah - saya dimulai dari Jakarta. Saya dan teman (yang memutuskan ikut karena stress dari pekerjaannya) terbang dari Bandara Internasional Minangkabau tanggal 23 Maret (Minggu) jam 17.45. Setelah check in dan sambil menunggu boarding, kita makan siang di CFC bandara. Beli minum aja, karena udah bawa nasi bungkus dari rumah yang tidak ada bandingannya karena dibungkus pake daun pisang. Hmmm... :)

Meninggalkan Padang saat senja

April 06, 2014

2-Week Escape

Sebenarnya not necessarily 'escape' karena saya mendapat izin dari sekolah kok untuk perjalanan ini. Hehe... Jadi, ceritanya...

February 17, 2014

On night out

I spent my six years of junior and senior high as a dormitory student. That taught me a lot of things for sure, but one of them was to stay awake until dawn. Then… Spending 5 years away from home taught me more than that, which is to spend the night on the road, going anywhere the road takes me. It was good time… Until my body got tired, and now I can’t live with that cycle for more than 2 days. 

February 09, 2014

quality time with brothers

There are times when you hate your siblings to death, but there are more times when their laughter and good times could make you forget your problems. Yesterday, the later happened. It was not a big day and all, we just went swimming. We never really went anywhere together for the last three months, and yesterday was perfect. 

February 07, 2014

Setting house rules

I have been living with my two youngest brothers for the last 6 months. Now, as the eldest and only daughter, and the only woman who lives with them, I practically am a young mother. My daily routines: I wake up, pray, cook for breakfast, and sometimes take them to school. After work, again I cook for dinner, tell them to take a shower, pray, read Quran, etc. Just imagine a working young woman with two children, that’s pretty much me. 

February 05, 2014

Simple happiness

On Tuesday lazy evening, I got an email from my Malaysian boss. Turned out she's planning to pay me a weekend visit on March with her husband and children. She is the kind of person I highly respect, not only because she's my boss but also because she's... Well, I told you, the kind of person I respect a lot. (I sound nervous, yeas? I am!)

February 04, 2014

Supernova Series

Selesai sudah keempat buku Supernova saya baca dalam waktu dua minggu. Waktu yang lama memang, mengingat beberapa kegiatan harian dan kenyataan bahwa saya bukanlah seorang pembaca cepat, lalu menjadikan alasan abu-abu bahwa saya tidak ingin melewatkan satu detail kecil tidak tertanam secara baik di benak saya tentang serial ini. Bleh!

Mockingjay (The Hunger Games #3)

Some stories are meant to live forever. I think The Hunger Games is one of them.

I told you I hate spoilers, so I won't give you any. But I want you to grow your curiosity as high as possible. I laughed sometimes in the first and second book, but this third is killing me with worries and tears. Oh, the 'tears' part. I couldn't stop crying until my head began to hurt me. I couldn't stop it...

Catching Fire (The Hunger Games #2)

Okay, I didn't expect Catching Fire would have this ending. I have been crazy about these novels since last week, when I'm loaded with works, and now I have to stop myself from reading the last book until I finish my works. What a pure torture!!

The Hunger Games (The Hunger Games #1)

Just finished it today and I have few points to note based on my comparison to the movie version.

I must be honest that I love Katniss more in the movie. The novel itself is narrated by Katniss. Everything is her point of view, so I get access more to her thoughts which then defines her character. Maybe this is why she appears weaker and more romantic as a person in the novel. While the movie only shows her emotion through her mimicry and words she says, not what she has in mind. She looks tougher and stronger. I love the characterization of Peeta, Gale, Haymitch and Rue more in the novel. There's no particular reason except that there are many more details I found there that feed my curiosity.

January 26, 2014

Terhenti di Malalak

Malalak, what is it? No, bukan 'malala' tapi saya ke daerah ini memang waktu itu dalam rangka malala (jalan-jalan tanpa tujuan). 

Malalak adalah daerah (kecamatan mungkin) di antara Pariaman dan Padang Pariaman. Saya melewati tempat ini karena ingin tahu jalan ke Bukit Tinggi dari Pariaman selain lewat jalur biasa, yang kalau macet bisa seharian. Kabarnya tempat ini lumayan angker. Banyak cerita-cerita horor yang diceritakan teman sepanjang jalan. 

January 21, 2014

How my Sunday went

Few days ago I was called by one of my high school juniors who is now a university student. Turned out they were holding an Islamic festival for speech, poetry, calligraphy, and other similar competition. Well, of course I said yes. I was in need of running away from this little city just to feel the longing of coming back. 

January 11, 2014

2013 Favorite Moments

2013 has left some simple yet incredible memories. I have been the kind of person who falls in love with simple things in life. These are some simple things this year which deserve my hamdalah :)

Wasting my evening at Dynamic English Course
Reading The Hunger Games trilogy

January 02, 2014

Merpati peak for a perfect new year

What did you do in new year's eve? Well, what I did... was this. 

You can't see the stars but I promise they were there, really clear to any naked eyes
I climbed Merapi mountain with my folks. I didn't reach the top in time of the fireworks (though that was not my intention at all, but it was always fun to see fireworks on any occasion, don't you think?), I was in a nice position to see the beauty of the stars and the city. It was like two skies collide.