February 04, 2014

The Hunger Games (The Hunger Games #1)

Just finished it today and I have few points to note based on my comparison to the movie version.

I must be honest that I love Katniss more in the movie. The novel itself is narrated by Katniss. Everything is her point of view, so I get access more to her thoughts which then defines her character. Maybe this is why she appears weaker and more romantic as a person in the novel. While the movie only shows her emotion through her mimicry and words she says, not what she has in mind. She looks tougher and stronger. I love the characterization of Peeta, Gale, Haymitch and Rue more in the novel. There's no particular reason except that there are many more details I found there that feed my curiosity.

It comes to my conclusion that, as all novel-based movies are, the movie is lacking some very important details. Before I read the novel and didn't get a clue, I was extremely curious when I knew there are 12 districts while in the video brought by the Capitol in the Reaping said 13, or what actually Mockingjay was cause I couldn't recall any real living bird named Mockingjay, or the reason why and how Tributes from several districts could afford to volunteer and take the Games as an honour. It's not just those, I was also curious how Haymitch could survive and win the Games since he is barely sober all the time (Well, of course I wouldn't think he was drunk in the arena then fell asleep until everyone got killed). Those things lingered unaswered in my mind until I read the novel and kept saying "Ohh..." frequently.

But anyway, the movie is great. After all, it's what got my attention in the first place, the reason why I hit the theatre three times just to watch it over and over again. :) And the reason to read the novels. I can't wait to finish my work to read the other 2. 

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