April 30, 2014

Two Emotions Describing My Life Right Now


It actually has been a while since my first big fight with my parents. Started when I decided to drop out of college because I felt really out of place. Either it was because I chose the wrong major, or just of the ineffective learning environment. Either way, I chose to quit simply because it was the wrong time. I was overwhelmed with new responsibilities at work and of my two youngest brothers.

So, now I'm in big trouble. I try to stand for myself because I believe wholeheartedly this is the right thing to do. Money has been lost for sure, but wasted time living your life for the wrong priority, you can't take it back. 


I feel content because Mom and Dad still call and crack their cheesy jokes. Though when our conversations sometimes touch the college issue then things got pretty serious, we could easily avoid it and move to another topic. My relationship with my brothers get better. I spend more time with them than I have ever done during my study. I learn to cook better. I read more books. So, yes, I'm happier with my life. 


Cici Pratama said...

Duh bahasa inggris nya... dr td baca bahas inggris terus, agak mumey jg nih kk, hehehe

Ainun Mardhiah said...

Bawa senjata dong ci. A.k.a... Kamus.