No no no. It's not me. Read below and you'll find me at the end.

I'm Ainun. 
Spelled as it is.
If you're an English native speaker, it's like saying 'eye' and 'noon'. 

I'm Indonesian. 
Born here. Been living here for my whole life. 
I currently live in Padang Panjang, to be exact. It's a small little cold town, 2-hour drive from Padang and 30-minute from Bukit Tinggi. In my life, I've been living in Pasaman Barat, Tg. Balai Karimun, Padang Panjang, Pasir Pengaraian, and Surabaya. We moved a lot as a family and I moved a lot too as an individual.

I love...

Family Time.
I am a mother of one. I am the eldest child and only daughter. I am blessed with a loving husband.

I own way more books than I should. I don't know if it says your love of reading, but.

Taking pictures.
It's probably genetic (my Dad was a photographer).

But no more time to go hike and I read too many scary mountaineering stories.

I love cooking but I'm lazy to cook. Do I make sense?

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