April 30, 2014

Two Emotions Describing My Life Right Now


It actually has been a while since my first big fight with my parents. Started when I decided to drop out of college because I felt really out of place. Either it was because I chose the wrong major, or just of the ineffective learning environment. Either way, I chose to quit simply because it was the wrong time. I was overwhelmed with new responsibilities at work and of my two youngest brothers.

April 29, 2014

2-Week Escape: Surabaya

Sepulang dari Bali, saya kembali mengurus ijazah dan surat-surat ke kampus. Baru 2 tahun ditinggal, sudah lumayan banyak perbaikan infrastruktur di Kampus B Unair. The world is surely moving so fast... Especially the big cities.

Saya nggak sempat mengabadikan apa yang saya lihat. Setau saya, yang berubah itu Mesjid An-Nur dan ada satu bangunan lantai 4 atau 5 di samping Auditorium. Entah untuk apa.

Penginapan Asyik di Gianyar

Yang membuat liburan saya berkesan di Bali adalah Mbak Maria di Villa BPW Euroservices Holiday. Saya dan teman-teman datang ke villa cukup larut, tapi sambutan beliau yang begitu hangat cukup membuat lelah hilang setelah motoran seharian Denpasar - Tanah Lot - Gianyar

2-Week Escape: Bali (Day 2)

Kelelahan hari pertama baru berangsung hilang jam 10 pagi. Niat kemarin malam sih kita check out jam 8 dan langsung caw... Eh, ternyata... -_- Rencana hari kedua ini kita mengunjungi Tanah Lot, Ubud trus ke Gianyar, kembali lagi ke Denpasar. Namanya juga rencanah yah, kita cuma bersaha menjalani... :-p

Rencana pertama sukses besar. Kita menyewa motor lagi untuk 2 hari, takut-takut nanti sampai Gianyar malah teler dan ga bisa balik. Dari Denpasar ke Tanah Lot menghabiskan waktu 2 jam naik motor, setelah sedikit nyasar dan bertanya-tanya sama Bli-Bli di jalan. Lagi lagi, waktu yang tidak tepat mengunjungi pantai. Panas terik bikin kepala nyut-nyut... Tapi terpaksi dibawa fun, secara udah di Bali gitu loh... Hahaa... Norak.

The amazing Tanah Lot

2-Week Escape: Bali (Day 1)

Dari Jakarta, kita memang menuju Surabaya. Tapi karena nanti setelah dari Bali kita ke Surabaya lagi, ntar aja deh ceritanya :)

Sesampai di Surabaya, saya hanya ke kampus (meminta dokumen-dokumen penting dan disuruh kembali 1 minggu lagi) lalu tanpa pikir panjang langsung memesan travel untuk ke Bali. Berangkat sore jam 5, di jemput di Keputih. Sopirnya sempat bikin heboh karena jam 4 sudah menelepon dan diminta siap-siap di depan gang. -_-

Three Turn Ons

Have a good sense of humor and easy to giggle. 

There's nothing more heartbreaking than two people spending time feeling bored with each other. One of them should know how to start the talk, and the other one knows how to appreciate. And vice versa. 

April 28, 2014

Four Turn Offs

Smoking. Though I don't mind anyone smoking around me, I prefer non-smokers to be my life partner. It's honestly one of those things I could never figure out why so many people are doing. 

Self hygiene. Who doesn't love to be around a guy who is clean and smells good, right? You could have long hair and untrimmed beard but at least don't smell bad and expect a kiss. Lol

Top Five People Who Mean A Lot

My family, of course. No matter how annoying my brothers sometimes get, and how confusing my parents are, there's no one on this earth I believe will love me unconditionally except these people. 

April 26, 2014

Six Things I Wish I Had Never Done

The last chance I met my grandmother before she passed away, I was busy going out with my cousins. Many times she called me to her room just to talk to her, but I spent only few minutes and went back to my cousin's room to talk nonsense. If I could turn back the time, this is the moment I wish I could rewind. I still dream about her since she passed away.

April 25, 2014

Seven Things That Cross My Mind A Lot

What will happen in the next 5 years? Where will I be at this right time right moment? Oh, I hope I'll be sitting in a coffeeshop in Paris... :-p

I still believe Hermione should be with Harry instead of Ron. Why are they not together? Why?

Eight Ways to Win My Heart

This one is pretty general, not specifically in a romantic way.

Set me free. 

If there is one condition that could break me apart and make me want to stay away from people, it must be being a control freak. I hate trying to control other people’s lives, and I really appreciate people who could hang out with me without trying to navigate my decisions. 

April 23, 2014

Nine Things About Myself

I'm a Muslimah. I dress according to the Qur'an and have been comfortably dressing this way since I was small. I feel comfortable in it before I know the law.

I'm the only daughter and the eldest child in my family. I'm also very thankful for this because I don't really have any reason to spoil myself. I was born the first, means I hold the biggest responsibility. This way, I don't want to waste my life doing things that do not contribute much to my improvement. 

April 18, 2014

2-Week Escape: Jakarta

Perjalanan - sembari menunggu ijazah - saya dimulai dari Jakarta. Saya dan teman (yang memutuskan ikut karena stress dari pekerjaannya) terbang dari Bandara Internasional Minangkabau tanggal 23 Maret (Minggu) jam 17.45. Setelah check in dan sambil menunggu boarding, kita makan siang di CFC bandara. Beli minum aja, karena udah bawa nasi bungkus dari rumah yang tidak ada bandingannya karena dibungkus pake daun pisang. Hmmm... :)

Meninggalkan Padang saat senja

April 06, 2014

2-Week Escape

Sebenarnya not necessarily 'escape' karena saya mendapat izin dari sekolah kok untuk perjalanan ini. Hehe... Jadi, ceritanya...