April 09, 2015

Home sweet home I come

Picture taken before going to Padang

The last time I went home was for my wedding day, 27th December 2014. Didn't feel that long ago, but having a husband whose heart attached to home, on last Thursday we decided to pack our bag and go to my hometown. 

We went to Padang to catch the car that will take us to Pintu Padang. which was scheduled at 17.00. Abang, how I call my husband, insisted on going to Padang earlier because we had to eat at his favorite Angkringan Jogja before leaving. Of course, I couldn't say no. It was food! Arrived at Padang just in time. One hour left before the car promised to pick us up. We ate in rush since the driver kept calling me asking if they could pick as soon as possible. We thought, oh okay. The sooner the better. So came the driver and to my village we went! Yaaay...

Except... That's not exactly what we thought would happen.